If you’re looking for a way to practice self care and make some time for yourself, journaling is a great way to do it. But what should you write in your journal? Don’t worry, I've got you covered. Here are some ideas to get your creative juices flowing and help you express yourself through writing!

Your Gratitude List

Start off your day by writing down three things that you are grateful for. This can be anything from the sun shining through your window to a funny exchange with a coworker. Just take a few moments to acknowledge the positive things that have happened throughout your day and appreciate them for what they are.

Life Goals

Take some time to write down some of the goals that you want to accomplish in life. It could be something like taking an Italian cooking class or traveling around the world. Writing out these goals will help keep them top of mind, so when opportunities come up, you’ll know exactly how they fit into your overall plan.

Daily Reflections

Pick one thing each day that had an impact on you and reflect on it. Maybe it was something someone said or did or maybe it was just simply how you felt at the end of the day. Taking this time helps build emotional intelligence and reminds us how important it is to check in with ourselves every once in awhile.

Journaling about whatever comes to mind can be incredibly therapeutic and gives us an opportunity to express our thoughts without fear of judgement from anyone else. Whether it’s venting frustrations or writing down life goals, journaling is a great way to practice self care while also getting our thoughts out on paper! Being mindful of what brings us joy and peace is key...so grab that pen and start jotting away.

Still need a little inspiration? Grab my 14 days of journaling prompts for self care!


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